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I’ve been inspired by jasmineraehairco and am currently trying to “train” my hair and stretch out the number of days between hair washes (her record is 30+ days…what?!). “Dry shampoo and push through!” – Jasmine Rae.
My commitment to blog more came out of the realization that I should be more true to myself and not hold back.
In being more true to myself I’ve also realized that I shouldn’t avoid being nice to strangers because I’m afraid of what they might think. Last week I left a nice comment on a random mom’s instagram post, because it felt right.
I’ve been looking for a stylish and functional, not too big, and reasonably priced backpack for daily use. And I finally found one! I’m obsessed with my new Baggalini “Heritage” backpack!
One of E’s new activities is coloring. It’s adorable to watch because he is so delicate with the marker or crayon that it barely makes a mark. But if you give him a dry erase marker and let him mark up the fridge he goes ham.
I want a pink metallic Christmas tree. Or a real one. Same diff.
I miss having a mantel to decorate. Even if it was only a fake one.
Our current fireplace is covered by drywall. Sooner than later I hope to get it looking like one of these.
Today seems like a good day to make my all-time favorite zucchini bread recipe. For dinner I think I’ll hit up that amazing Pioneer Woman cookbook (again!) and make an attempt at chicken and dumplings.
Photo is from our honeymoon to Maui – specifically our Maui Gold Pineapple tour. We love taking our Fuijifilm Instax on trips and using it for special occasions.