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After a successful (IMO) makeover of the 3-drawer Ikea Tarva chest, I set out to spruce up my 6-drawer Ikea Tarva chest. I wanted the two pieces to match, but at the same time, I didn’t want an overwhelming amount of wood finish in my small, neutral-tone bedroom. Confession: I also did not want to go through the whole pre-stain+stain+gel stain+polyurethane process again.
My solution: Paint!
Just like the 3-drawer chest – we framed out each drawer front with simple screen door molding. But rather than staining the wood, we painted it a rich navy blue and topped it off with a coat of satin polyurethane. Oh, and we chopped off 2 inches from the awkwardly-long legs.

I’m super pleased with the results! It ties in well with the existing 3-drawer chest and adds a pop of color to the room that isn’t overwhelming.

Paint color: Old Navy by Benjamin Moore
Polyurethane: Varathane – Satin Finish
Hardware: WorldMarket.com
I did a littlr stalking and I found it! Love it. It doesnt look bad with trim at all. I thought the trim would over load such a small draw and make it look silly. All the pins for these tarva hacks only put molding on the chest and long dresser. So im so happy to have found this . Just have to make sure I could with a good size trim. Thanks so much for posting.