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It’s the weekend! Not much on the agenda for us except a little rest and relaxation! Oh and using the NoseFrida on repeat for E. I’m so over cold season!
I haven’t done much building lately due to the weather. I’m really anxious for spring to get here and start working on an outdoor playhouse for E. It’s going to be epic – at least that’s my goal. In the meantime I think I’ve pinned literally every DIY playhouse/cubby house/fort on Pinterest.
Our Disney trip is right around the corner and I want to make sure we capture lots of great pictures while we are there. I keep going back and forth on the purchase of a new phone vs. a 35mm lens for our camera. I’m genuinely soliciting advice on this one! I know the DSLR will take better photos, but I’m not keen on the idea of taking it everywhere.
While on the topic of Disney…I just so happened to be checking on our MyDisney plans yesterday and I noticed Fast Pass+ became available for the new Mickey & Minnie’s Runaway Railway. I equate my luck in grabbing a FP+ for this to seeing a leprechaun. Also – how cute are those promo pics???
We finally broke down and got an air fryer. I feel like they can’t possibly come up with another appliance or way to cook food. Between sous vide, instapot, slow cookers, we are all out of countertop and cupboard space!
E has never been the greatest eater, but at 16 months and officially a toddler, he’s picked up some new…”selectivity.” I’ve noticed that he likes what I call “cute” foods. So I decided I’d get some shaped food cutters. Who could possibly resist veggies in the shape of dinosaurs, bears, and penguins?!
And on that note it’s time to figure out something for dinner tonight. Have a great weekend!
Photo was taken a few years ago in Porto, Portugal.